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ST-Talk Professional DEMO (c)1987, QMI by John DeMar
For the Atari ST series ST-Talk (tm)(c)1985,1987 QMI
Here's a brief list of ST-Talk Pro functions as a reference for the
January 1, 1988 pre-release DEMO version. This demo is an actual working
version of the program and may be used on-line. Please pass this demo
on to anyone and everyone!
The commercial release version of ST-Talk Pro will be ready at the
beginning of February 1988. This demo should be very useful in studying
the functionality of ST-Talk Pro while making your decision on which
modem software to buy. It's taken a great deal of work to get this
product to the market and we're trying our best to give you the best
product at the lowest price possible. Please make an effort to limit
the stealing (piracy) of the release version of this and all programs.
-- -- -- --
Here's the official policy on pricing and updates.......
* The suggested retail price of ST-Talk Pro will be $29.95 US dollars.
* The update fee along with an original ST-Talk 1.0 or 1.1 disk is $10.00.
* Until April 1, 1988 (no kidding), get $10 off the retail price if you
send in an original disk of any other commercially available Atari ST
modem program. This is a final price of $19.95 plus shipping. Orders
must be direct from QMI for this offer.
* In all cases, you will receive the full package & manual, not just a disk.
* After purchasing ST-Talk Pro:
1) Send in your registration card!
2) Include a disk with $2.00 OR no disk and $3.00 and get:
a) The Background downloading enhancement.
b) Multi-player modem games.
c) Sample AutoPilot script files.
d) Quarterly mailing of the "QMI Connection" newsletter.
e) A chance to win $1000! After each increment of 10,000 copies
are sold, we will pick a winner from the ST-Talk Pro owners
who are registered up to that date.
* The first revision of ST-Talk Pro will be free of charge. Please report
any problems so we can repair them as quickly as possible before the
first update. We realize that nothing is perfect, especially computer
software products! If you send in your registration card, you will be
notified of updates. After the first revision, updates will be $2.00
with your disk or $3.00 without a disk.
-- -- -- --
I hope you enjoy this demo version and the final release version when
it is ready. I would like to sincerely thank all of the ST-Talk owners
for being so patient over the past year while this product was being
developed. Your future support will help us to continue producing new
and exciting products for the Atari ST series.
John DeMar
Quantum Microsystems Inc., PO Box 179, 304 1st St., Liverpool, NY 13088 USA
(315)451-7747 (9am-6pm ET)
(315)457-7216 (24-hour BBS)
Genie: QMI
CompuServe: 71066,337
Notes on the ST-Talk Pro, Terminal Mode
# denotes features removed for demo version.
General Info
GEM windows, menus and icons.
Fast, custom screen display with full 80 columns or 140 columns,
and 24 lines at a time (48 lines optional in mono only).
Menu Organization
File Menu functions
List & View
Shows disk directory.
Select a file to view, shows DEC/ANSI graphics files if in VT-100.
Send File
Select protocol and path/filename.
# Receive File
View Archive
Archiver program (such as ARC.TTP) must be specified in Set Paths.
Set Paths
# Utilities
Copy, Delete, Format, Rename and Make Folder.
Command Shell (runs DO-IT!.PRG)
Run Program
If enough memory remains. Use re-initialize in editor to free mem.
Quit ST-Talk
Text Menu functions
Capture Text
Uses buffer number chosen in Buffer Selector below.
Capture is interactive with editor while capturing.
# Upload Text
Buffer Selector
Load Buffer
# Save Buffer
Erase Buffer
Go To Editor
See Editor commands below.
Dial Menu functions
# Keyboard Dial
# Extended functions such as list dialing are disabled.
Install #1 -> #10 (10 directory entries used most often)
# Dial Log
# Disconnect
Answer Menu functions
# Answer Now
# AutoPilot
# Answer Log
# Disconnect
Select Menu functions
Text Options
Dial Options
# Answer Options
# Print Options
RS-232 Options
Screen Options
Terminal Mode
Only VT-52 and VT-100 allowed in demo.
# Graphics Mode
DEC graphics mode is the default in VT-100
ANSI graphics is not complete in the demo version.
VIDTEX graphics is enable in vidtex mode.
# Function Keys
# Clock and Timers
# Load Options
# Save Options
Print Menu functions
Print File
# Print Buffer
# Print Screen
Show Graphics
for vidtex graphics.
# Print Graphics
# Save Graphics
Load Graphics
Help Menu functions
# AutoLearn Mode toggle
File Menu Help
Text Menu Help
Dial Menu Help
Answer Menu Help
Select Menu Help
Print Menu Help
Keyboard functions Help
AutoPilot language Help
More Help
Screen Organization
Icons for major function along right side, click with mouse.
Mouse control, menu control or keyboard control for most functions.
Status line at bottom of window is not fully active in demo.
Keyboard functions
** Note:
** <C> means CONTROL
** <S> means SHIFT
** <A> means ALTERNATE
** <Fn> means Function key #n
(Function keys are the same as ST-Talk 1.1)
<F1> Capture on/off
# <F2> Text Upload
# <F3> Receive File
<F4> Send File
<F5> Set RS-232 options
# <F6> Set Timers
<F7> Dial Directory
# <F8> Dial Options
<F9> Terminal Mode
<F10> About ST-Talk Pro
# <S><Fn> VT-100/200 F-keys 1 through 10.
# <C><S><Fn> VT-100/200 F-keys 11 through 20.
# <C><Fn> AutoPilot Macros 1 through 10.
# <A><Fn> AutoPilot Macros 11 through 20.
(partial list of alternate keys in demo version...)
<A>A Answer Now.
<A>B Toggle thru Baud rates.
<A>E Go To Editor.
<A>F Full Duplex.
<A>H Half Duplex.
<A>J Jump/Smooth scroll.
<A>L Line feeds on/off.
<A>M Emulation Mode.
<A>P Printer on/off.
<A>Q List & View.
<A>V Vidtex functions.
<A>X EXIT ST-Talk Pro.
<Help> The 'More Help' Selector
<Undo> Exit ST-Talk
<Insert> VT Insert Here
<ClrHome> VT Next Screen
<Up> VT Up Cursor
<Down> VT Down Cursor
<Left> VT Left Cursor
<Right> VT Right Cursor
<Shf><Help> VT Find
<Shf><Undo> VT Remove
<Shf><Insert> VT Select
<Shf><ClrHome> VT Previous Screen
<Ctl><Delete> VT Clear line
[Pad]( VT-PF1
[Pad]) VT-PF2
[Pad]/ VT-PF3
[Pad]* VT-PF4 NOTE: Not the '*' key!
<Backspace> Backspace (erases if chosen in Text Options)
<Delete> Delete
Mouse functions
Left button on icons activates the associated function.
Click right button inside window to go to and from Editor.
Click left button on upper portion of scroll bar to see last screen.
Notes on the ST-Talk Pro Editor
# denotes features removed for demo version.
General Description:
Full-featured text editor with up to ten buffers.
Fast, custom screen display with full 80 columns or 140 columns,
and 24 lines at a time (48 lines optional in mono only).
Block functions with any number of selected areas.
Editing and Capturing text may be done at the same time to either
the same buffer or different buffers.
GEM windows, menus and icons.
Mouse control, menu control or keyboard control for most functions.
Editor is handy for:
Reviewing information retrieved while on-line,
Writing messages before sending them on-line,
Making or modifying 'AutoPilot' script files.
Menu organization:
"File" functions same as Terminal menu
"Text" functions same as Terminal menu
"Edit" functions for:
Go to Top,Bottom,Pageup,Pagedown and Line#
Search & Replace
First or All (plus Query in Replace)
"Select" functions for:
Begin/End Select area(s)
Clear (reset) area(s)
Reverse Selected blocks
# Save Selected area(s)
Erase (delete) Selected area(s)
Move all selected to current cursor
Copy all selected to current cursor
Port (copy)all selected to a new buffer.
"Options" functions for:
Tab Size setting
Line length setting (effects all buffer)
Reformat (using new line length,
stops at double returns or leading space)
Word wrap toggle
wrap at word break at max. line length if on
Insert/replace mode toggle
Control code toggle
on allows display and entry of control characters
Re-Initialize resizes system memory allocated to editor
for running larger programs from within ST-Talk
"Print" functions for:
Print a file from disk
# Print an editor buffer
Print selected text area(s)
"Help" menu for:
Brief help for the above menus
List of special keyboard functions
Access to user-created help files
AutoPilot Language quick reference
# AutoPilot Language checker:
Checks an autopilot script for syntax errors
Screen Organization:
Text Editor window may use any of the terminal screen modes:
80 rows by 24 lines, 140 rows by 24 lines (mono and color)
80 rows by 48 lines, 140 rows by 48 lines (mono only)
GEM window "name" area shows current filename being edited.
Vertical slider shows relative size and position within buffer
and allows for scrolling, paging and arbitrary movement.
Bottom status line shows buffer number being edited,
current cursor position, column and line, within the buffer,
free buffer memory (shared between all ten buffers),
Brief terminal mode status
Reminders for editing modes
Icon area at right allows mouse control of all ten buffers:
Click with left button to choose a buffer to edit.
Click with right button to load a buffer from disk.
Shows name of each buffer below its icon.
Current capture buffer's icon will flash if capture is on.
Keyboard Functions:
** Note:
** <C> means CONTROL
** <S> means SHIFT
** <A> means ALTERNATE
** <Fn> means Function key #n
** Line modification functions **
BACKSPACE Deletes character to the left.
DELETE Deletes character to the right.
Remainder of line is moved only in insert mode.
# <S>BACKSPACE Merges two lines if at first column position.
# <S>DELETE Merges two lines if at last position in line.
# <C>BACKSPACE Deletes to Beginning of line.
<C>DELETE Deletes to End of line.
<C>CLR/HOME Erase current line.
UNDO Restores current line if changes were made.
INSERT Toggle between Insert and Replace modes.
RETURN Move to next line, insert blank line if in Insert mode.
** Cursor Movement functions **
RtArrow Cursor right, to next line if at end of a line.
LtArrow Cursor left, to next line if at beginning of a line.
UpArrow Cursor up to previous line.
DnArrow Cursor down to next line.
<S>RtArrow Cursor to end of current line.
<S>LtArrow Cursor to beginning of current line.
<S>UpArrow Cursor up to previous page (screen height - 2).
<S>DnArrow Cursor down to next page (screen height - 2).
CLR/HOME To Top of current buffer.
<S>CLR/HOME To Bottom of current buffer.
** Block Select functions **
ESC Mark the start of an area to select (highlight)
then again to mark the end of the area.
Top and Bottom marks allowed in either order.
<A>ESC Clear all selected areas (un-highlight selected text).
<S>ESC Reverse selected (highlighted and normal are reversed).
<A>C Copy selected areas to the current line position.
<A>M Move selected areas to the current line position.
<A>P Print selected areas.
<A>K Kill (erase permanently!) the selected areas.
# <A>S Save selected areas to disk.
<C>INSERT Port (like Copy) selected areas to another buffer.
<Fn> Select buffer number 'n' (1 through 10).
<S><Fn> Load buffer number 'n' (1 through 10).
# <C><Fn> Macros 1 through 10.
# <A><Fn> Macros 11 through 20.
** Miscellaneous functions **
<A>A Allow control codes on/off
<A>E Exit Editor back to Terminal mode.
<A>F Find (search) for text string (from cursor to end).
<A>G Go to a line number.
<A>L Load text from disk into current buffer.
<A>P Print buffer (all or selected).
<R>R Search/Replace text with new text (from cursor to end).
# <A>S Save current buffer (all or selected) to disk.
<A>X EXIT ST-Talk Pro.
<C>ESC Insert an ASCII 'Escape' character.
Mouse Functions:
Left button
Select cursor position inside of screen area.
Select buffer if clicked on buffer icon.
Scroll one line if clicked on up/down arrows.
Scroll one page if clicked on shaded area of slider bar.
Scroll to location in buffer if dragging slider bar.
Right button
Go to Terminal mode if clicked in screen area.
Load file into buffer if clicked on buffer icon.
-- -- -- --
1/1/87 JS DeMar
To View one of the ".VT1" example VT-100 files, set VT-100 mode and
go to List & View under the File menu in the terminal menus. Select the
file to view, press any key when done or UNDO to abort.
To View one of the "VTX" Vidtex graphics files, set go to the Print menu
in the terminal menus and select Load Graphics. Then select Show Graphics
from that same menu.
To re-view the opening sample screen, go to "About ST-Talk Pro" under Desk
in the terminal menus.